Ginseng is one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world. We’ve probably all seen ginseng supplements at the health food store or seen a commercial for it at some point. Ginseng is thought to help with energy, blood sugar, cholesterol, stress, tension, and erectile dysfunction in men. Ginseng products vary widely in effectiveness, potency, and overall purity.
It’s important to research companies and products thoroughly before you purchase anything. You don’t want to take a product that isn’t really ginseng or has a lot of filler material included. Ginseng has amazing health benefits, but you won’t get any of them if you choose the wrong supplement.
It’s important to spend a little bit more time and money to ensure that you get a quality product. Let’s look at 15 health benefits of Ginseng that will impress you.
1. Stress Relief
The first benefit that we will discuss regarding ginseng has to do with the stress relief that it offers. Ginseng is in the category of herbal remedies called adaptogens. Adaptogens protect you against all kinds of different types of stress including physical and mental. The way that this herbal remedy works for stress is by reducing the hormone cortisol.
Cortisol is responsible for much of the stress that you feel in your body and when stress levels are rising, it is because that particular hormone is being produced at higher levels. But ginseng also strengthens the adrenal glands, which can give your body tools that it needs to fight higher stress levels.
Stress is a common cause of lots of different illnesses including hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, heart disease, and more. It is definitely better for your health if you can reduce your stress levels.