3. Stress
Stress is not just unpleasant psychologically, it can actually take a very large physical toll on your body. When we are stressed, our body goes into something known as the fight or flight response. This causes the release of adrenaline, cortisol, dopamine, and a host of other chemicals and hormones. As a result, the muscles will tend to contract more tightly as the body prepares for ‘fight or flight’ (hence the name!), and oxygen and blood are redirected here and to the brain. These are the areas that need added fuel during an intense bout!
The problem is that chronic stress means we are placed in this state for a long time, during which time blood is not being directed toward other important systems like our digestion for instance. This can result in the feeling that we refer to as ‘butterflies’ and that in turn can make us feel sick in our stomachs. Using meditation and breathing techniques can help to reverse some of this damage and help you to get your stomach pain and stress under better control.