Heartburn or indigestion is called dyspepsia in the medical field. This is caused by the digestive juices that are secreted into the stomach. Often times, a person will experience indigestion when they eat foods that are spicy or foods that are full of fat. It can also be caused by overeating.
There are several factors that may make indigestion worse. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease, anxiety and stress, obesity, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, smoking, infections of the stomach, and thyroid disease. Heartburn may be accompanied by several symptoms. The most common is a pain or burning sensation in the chest area.
Many times when a person is suffering from heartburn they will turn to an over the counter medication for some relief. However, there are several other options available to help with your heartburn. Here is a list of 21 natural remedies to help you when you are suffering from heartburn.
1. Aloe Vera Juice
When you get a sunburn or any other type of burn on the skin, chances are that you have turned to aloe as a way to get some relief. Simply rubbing aloe on the skin can help alleviate the symptoms of a burn. It acts as a coolant on the skin, thus making the burn a bit more tolerable.
Aloe vera juice can work in much the same way when it comes to relieving heartburn. This juice has long been used throughout Europe as a way to help alleviate some of the pain associated with heartburn. Simply drinking a cup of aloe vera juice can cool down the stomach and thus relieve heartburn.
If you would like to try a natural remedy for relieving your heartburn symptoms, turn to aloe vera juice. It is important to make sure that you only purchase aloe vera juice that is specifically prepared to be used internally.