3. Bite Marks
One of the things that distinguish the common house spider from some of the more dangerous ones out there is the type of bite that you get. Most of the common spider bites out there are simply going to be a bump on the skin that itches or is a little painful. But you can often distinguish some of the more dangerous spider bites if you look closely.
For example, the black widow bite will typically be two entry points close together on the skin due to the fangs that carry the venom. If you are bitten by a brown recluse, then you will notice that the bite looks like a bull’s-eye with the blister directly in the middle.
Finally, there is the wolf spider bite, which may look like any other spider bite, but often includes tearing of the skin to make it unique. The best way to differentiate between the different bite marks is to check the symptoms as well as what the bite looks like.