Going gluten-free is a necessary step for anyone with Celiac disease or who is gluten sensitive. These conditions can both have a devastating effect on your health and overall wellbeing by impacting on your digestion.
Normally, the stomach is lined with tiny hair-like structures called ‘villi’. These tiny fingers are what allow us to absorb the nutrients out of our food such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more and thereby to benefit from those things. Meanwhile, the rest of the food will pass through our bowels and come out the other end as stool or urine.
If you aren’t absorbing your nutrients properly, then this can lead to nutrient deficiencies. This means you might find yourself lacking vitamin C, lacking iron, lacking magnesium, lacking potassium… despite whatever steps you take in order to get more of those things from your diet. The result is that key systems in your body can begin to fail and you might become tired, sluggish, slow to heal, irritable.
Meanwhile, your food will pass through your stomach without being properly digested, leading to serious bloating, stomach pain, and more symptoms. These are serious conditions that won’t go unnoticed. This is why it’s very frustrating for many people when people claim to be gluten intolerant because it is ‘trendy’.
For those that really do suffer from the condition, here are 21 natural foods that are entirely gluten-free.
1. Mushrooms
There’s no shortage of foods that are gluten-free. In fact, anything that doesn’t contain bread, flower, or dough is likely to be gluten-free and therefore likely to be safe for you to eat! That means vegetables, meats and more are all fair game.
The real problem then is that bread and flour are used in so many foods. The real aim, therefore, is to try and find foods that you can eat safely and healthily that will replace those items.
And one of the very best options, in that case, is to choose mushroom. Mushrooms are full of protein, they are high in a number of key minerals and they are also high in vitamin D in many cases.
This crucial vitamin acts like a prohormone and helps to regulate the production of testosterone, DHEA, and other hormones that improve health and performance.
The real appeal though is that mushrooms can be used to create buns. Take two large mushrooms, place some meat in the middle and you have yourself a sandwich!